T: Salitang Batangas

Taad: pronounced tah-ahd.
Noun: sugar cane points used for planting.

Tabayag: pronounced tah-bah-yahg.
Noun: a juicy vegetable with white flesh; winter melon; white gourd; ash gourd. Ref.: Wikipedia: winter melon
Other Tagalog: upo.

Tabig: pronounced tah-big.
Verb: root, to brush against an object. Inf.: tabigin. Conj.: tinabig, brushed against; tinatabig, brushes against, is brushing against; tatabigin, will brush against.
Other Tagalog: sagî, tama, dali(e).

Tabil: pronounced tah-bil.
Verb: root.
1. to be talkative.
2. to speak in a very fast manner.
Inf.: tumabil. Conj.: tumabil, was talkative; tumatabil, is being talkative; tatabil, will be talkative.
Adj.: matabil, talkative.
Other Tagalog: daldal, satsat.

Tabingî: pronounced ta-bih-ngî.
Verb: root, to become askew or uneven. Inf.: tumabingî. Conj.: tumabingî, became askew; tumatabingî, becoming askew; tatabingî, will become askew.
Adj.: askew, uneven.
Variant: tabingê.
Other Tagalog: tagilid.

Taborite: pronounced tah-boh-ree-teh.
Noun: a chair or stool.
Other Tagalog: silya, adopted from Spanish.

Tagaktak: pronounced tah-gahk-tahk.
Verb: root, to flow effusively, as with sweat or blood. Inf.: tumagaktak. Conj.: tumagaktak, flowed; tumatagaktak, flowing; tatagaktak, will flow.
Other Tagalog: daloy (approximate).

Tagay-ineng: pronounced tah-gai-ee-neng.
Noun: a small girl.
* Used in the Municipality of Agoncillo and nearby localities.

Takin: pronounced tah-kihn.
Verb: to bark. Inf.: tumakin. Conj.: tumakin, barked; tumatakin, barking; tatakin, will bark.
Noun: the bark of a dog.
Other Tagalog: Tahol, kahol.

Taking-utoy: pronounced tah-king-oo-toi.
Noun: a small boy.
* Used in the Municipality of Agoncillo and nearby localities.

Takid: pronounced tah-kid.
Verb: root, to trip. Inf.: takidin. Inf.: takidin. Conj.: tinakid, tripped; tinatakid, tripping; tatakidin, will trip.
Variant: takir.
Other Tagalog: patid.

Takuyan: pronounced tah-koo-yahn.
Noun: a large basket made with woven thatched materials.
Other Tagalog: kaing, kaeng.

Tal-ak: pronounced tahl-ahk.
Verb: root, to choke. Inf.: matalak-an. Conj.: natal-akan, choked; natatal-akan, choking; matatal-akan, will choke.
Other Tagalog: bilaok.

Talandî: pronounced tah-lahn-dî.
Noun: a flirtatious female.
Adj.: flirtatious.
Other Tagalog: malandî, kiri.

Talápid: pronounced tah-la-pid.
Verb: root, to trip. Inf.: Talapirin. Conj.: tinalapid, tripped; tinatalapid, tripping; tatalipirin, will trip.
Other Tagalog: Patid.
* Seems more frequently used in northern Batangas.

Talaw: pronounced tah-lao.
Noun: height, tallness.
Adj.: matalaw, describing something tall and slender.
Other Tagalog: tangkad (approximate).

Talipâ: pronounced tah-li-pâ.
Adv.: describing how the left and right footwear are inadvertently interchanged, frequently with children.
* Seems used by other Tagalogs as well, although pronounced as tah-li-pah rather than tah-li-pâ as it is in Batangas.

Talos: pronounced tah-lohs.
Verb: root, to understand or comprehend. Root: talusin. Conj.: tinalos, understood; tinatalos, understands or is understanding; tatalusin, will understand.
Other Tagalog: intindi.

Talpog: pronounced tahl-pohg.
Adj.: burned beyond recognition. Usage: talpog na. Slang: used to ridicule a person with dark complexion (as used in Lipa City).
Other Tagalog: sunog (approximate).

Taltal: pronounced tahl-tahl.
Verb: to argue. Inf.: tumaltal. Conj.: tumaltal, argued; tumataltal, arguing; tataltal, will argue.
Noun: taltalan.
Other Tagalog: debate, pronounced deh-bah-teh (from Spanish).

Tambor: pronounced tahm-bohr.
Noun: a pail.
Other Tagalog: timbâ.

Tangad: pronounced tah-ngahd.
Verb: root
1. to tie an animal to something, such as a peg or a tree, to keep it from running away.
2. to tie something, such as a kite, to an object fixed on the ground to keep it anchored.
Inf.: itangad. Conj.: itinangad, tied; itinatangad, is tying; itatangad, will tie.
Other Tagalog: talî (approximate).

Tángan: pronounced tah-ngan.
Verb: root, to hold. Inf.: tanganan. Conj.: tinanganan, held; tinatanganan, holding; tatanganan, will hold.
Other Tagalog: hawak.
Adj.: pertaining to something being held. Usage: tangang bote, a bottle held.

Tanghod: pronounced tang-hohd.
Verb: root
1. to gape or stare at.
2. to watch over.
Inf.: tumanghod. Conj.: tumanghod, gaped; tumatanghod, gaping; tatanghod, will gape.
Other Tagalog: bantay, tingin.

Noun: a window.
Variant: tanghuran.
Other Tagalog: bintanâ.

Tangkab: pronounced tang-kahb.
1. to get hit in the chin. Inf.: matangkab. Conj.: natangkab, got hit; natatangkab, getting hit; matatangkab, will get hit.
2. to punch in the chin. Inf.: tangkabin. Conj. tinangkab, punched; tinatangkab, punching; tatangkabin, will punch.
Other Tagalog: suntok, sagî, tamâ sa babâ.

Tangkal: pronounced tang-kahl.
Verb: root
1. to tie an animal to something, such as a peg or a tree, to keep it from running away.
2. to tie something, such as a kite, to an object fixed on the ground to keep it anchored.
Inf.: itangkal. Conj.: itinangkal, tied; itinatangkal, is tying; itatangkal, will tie.
Other Tagalog: talî (approximate).

Tanglâ: pronounced tang-lâ.
Verb: root, to stare stupidly or aimlessly into space. Inf.: tumanglâ. Conj.: tumanglâ, stared; tumatanglâ, staring; tatanglâ, will stare.
Variant: banglâ.
Other Tagalog: tungangâ.

Tangwa: pronounced tang-wah.
Noun: the edge of a flat surface, such as a table. Usage: Ilayô ang baso sa tangwa ng lamesa.
Other Tagalog: gilid.

Ta-og: pronounced tah-ohg.
Noun: the high tide.

Tapisak: pronounced tah-pih-sahk.
Verb: root, for fluid to splash all over something. Inf.: magtapisak. Conj.: nagtapisak, splashed; nagtatapisak, spashing; magtatapisak, will splash.
Adj.: tapisak, describing how fluid has splashed all over. Usage: tapisak na.
Noun: fluid that splashed and scattered all over.
Other Tagalog: kalat, talsik, basâ (approximate).
Verb: root, to flatten. Inf.: tapisakin. Conj.: tinapisak, flattened; tinatapisak, flattening; tatapisakin, will flatten.
Other Tagalog: pitpit.

Taramindo: pronounced tah-rah-mihn-doh.
Noun: juice made from calamondin or calamansi, scientific name citrus microcarpa. Ref.: Wikipedia: Calamondin.

Tarlin: pronounced tar-lihn.
Noun: a pail.
Other Tagalog: balde, timbâ.

Taro: pronounced tah-roh.
1. a small container for scooping water out of a pail or vat. Other Tagalog: tabô.
2. a pail. Other Tagalog: balde, timbâ.
* Usage depends on community.

Tawilís: pronounced tah-wee-lís.
Noun: scientific name sardinella tawilis; a small freshwater sardine found only in Taal Lake.

Tibalsik: pronounced tee-bahl-sik.
Verb: root
1. to splash.
2. the act of something being hurled into the air.
Inf.: tumibaksik. Conj.: tumibalsik, splashed; tumitibalsik, splashing; titibalsik, will splash.
Variant: tilabsik
Other Tagalog: talsik.

Tíbak: pronounced tí-bahk.
Noun: the scratched scaly legs of a chicken.

Tibô: pronounced tih-bô.
Noun: a sharp broken shard of glass.
Verb: root, to get wounded by a broken shard of glass. Inf.: matibô. Conj.: natibô, got wounded; natitibô, is getting wounded; matitibô, will get wounded.
Other Tagalog: bubog.

Noun: an improvised lamp made using an old jar and a wick fueled by kerosene.
Other Tagalog: lampara (approximate).

Tibuyô: pronounced tih-boo-yô.
Noun: a piggybank.
Other Tagalog: alkansiya.

Tigkal: pronounced tig-kahl.
Verb: root
1. to plow the field.
2. to break the ground using a plow in preparation for planting.
Inf.: tigkalin. Conj.: tinigkal, plowed; tinitigkal, plowing; titigkalin, will plow.
Adj.: describes chunks of soil after it has been broken up by a plow.
Other Tagalog: araro.

Tikatik: pronounced tih-kah-tik.
Verb: root, to fall mildly, as with rain. Inf.: tumikatik. Conj.: tumikatik, fell mildly; tumitikatik, falling mildly; titikatik, will fall mildly.
Adv.: describes the manner with which rain falls in the mildest of drizzles. Usage: tikatik lang, raining mildly.
Adj.: describing rain as it falls in a mild drizzle. Usage: tikatik na ulan, mild rain.
Other Tagalog: ambon (approximate).

Tikdi: pronounced tihk-dih.
Verb: root, to tiptoe. Inf.: tumikdi. Conj.: tumikdi, tiptoed; tumitikdi, tiptoe-ing; titikdi, will tiptoe.
Other Tagalog: tiyad, ti-ad.

Tikin: pronounced tih-kihn.
Noun: a long pole used for picking fruits from off a tree.
Other Tagalog: panungkit.

Tiklis: pronounced tik-lihs.
Noun: a large basket made with woven thatched materials.
Other Tagalog: kaing, kaeng.

Tikol: pronounced tih-kohl.
Verb: root, for boys, to masturbate. Inf.: magtikol. Conj.: nagtikol, masturbated; nagtitikol, masturbating; magtitikol, will masturbate.
Other Tagalog: bate.
* Slang, not formally used.

Tilâ: pronounced tee-lâ.
Verb: root, to stop, but specifically used in describing rain. Inf.: tumilâ. Conj.: tumilâ, has stopped; tumitilâ, is stopping; titilâ, will stop.
Alternatively: Saying tilâ by itself already indicates that the rain has stopped; i.e. "Tilâ na."

Tilamsik: pronounced tih-lahm-sihk.
Verb: root, to splash. Inf.: tumilamsik. Conj.: tumilamsik, splashed; tumitilamsik, splashing; titilamsik, will splash.
Adj.: tilamsik, describing water splashing. Usage: tilamsik na.
Noun: a drop or drops of water splashing.
Other Tagalog: talsik (approximate).

Tilas: pronounced tee-las
Noun: a moth caterpillar.
Other Tagalog: higad.

Timô: pronounced tih-mô.
Verb: root
1. to stop being naughty.
2. to behave appropriately.
Inf.: tumimô. Conj.: tumimô, behaved; tumitimô, behaving; titimô, will behave.
Other Tagalog: tinô (approximate).

Timos: pronounced tih-mohs.
Verb: to taste. Inf.: timusin. Conj.: tinimos, tasted; tinitimos, tasting; titimusin, will taste.
Other Tagalog: tikim.
Noun: a taste of something.

Tinghoy: pronounced ting-hoi.
Noun: a gas lamp.
Other Tagalog: gasera; lampara.

Tingkuro: pronounced ting-koo-roh.
Verb: root, to lose one's balance. Inf.: magtingkuro. Conj.: nagtingkuro, lost balance; nagtitingkuro, losing balance; magtitingkuro, will lose balance.
Other Tagalog: tumba (approximate).

Tipay: pronounced tee-pai.
Verb: root, to button. Inf.: itipay. Conj.: itinipay, buttoned, itinitipay, buttoning; ititipay, will button.
Other Tagalog: botones, adopted from Spanish.

Tisod: pronounced tee-sohd.
Verb: root, to trip. Inf.: tisudin/tisurin. Conj.: tinisod, tripped; tinitisod, tripping; titisurin, will trip.
Variant: tikod.
Other Tagalog: patid.

Tiwarik: pronounced tee-wah-rehk.
Verb: root
1. to fall over.
2. to somersault.
Inf.: tumiwarik/magtiwarik. Conj.: tumiwarik/nagtiwarik, somersaulted; tumitiwarik/nagtitiwarik, somersaulting; titiwarik/magtitiwarik, will somersault.
Variant: tiwarek.
Other Tagalog: tumba, baligtad.

Tubal: pronounced too-bal.
Adj: soiled or dirty, as used to describe clothes.
Noun: dirty or soiled clothing.
Other Tagalog: marumi, madumi

Tukakê: pronounced too-kah-kê.
Verb: root, to almost fall over sleepily while in a sitting position. Inf.: magtukakê. Conj.: nagtukakê, almost fell over; nagtutukakê, almost falling over; magtutukakê, will amost fall over.
Other Tagalog: matumba (approximate).

Tuklong: pronounced took-long.
Noun: a small make-shift bamboo and nipa chapel used mostly for month of May prayers in honor and adoration of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
Other Tagalog: kapilya.

Tumana: pronounced too-mah-nah.
Noun: the thin borders of rice paddies made of slightly elevated soil.
Other Tagalog: pilapil.

Tungayaw: pronounced too-ngah-yao
Verb: root, so swear. Inf.: magtungayaw. Conj.: nagtungayaw: swore; nagtutungayaw, swearing; magtutungayaw, will swear.
Other Tagalog: mura.
* Somewhat archaic; seldom used by the younger generation.

Tunggaling: pronounced toong-gah-ling.
Adj.: uneven, such as when legs of a table are not of the same length.

Tungkab: pronounced toong-kahb.
Verb: root, to peel off in large pieces. Inf.: tungkabin. Conj.: tinungkab, peeled off; tinutungkab, peeling off; tutungkabin, will peel off.
Variant: tingkab.
Other Tagalog: tuklap (approximate).

Tungkô: pronounced toong-kô.
Noun: a tripod makeshift firewood stove on which large cooking vessels are placed.

Tunil: pronounced too-nihl.
Noun: a water tank.

Turdan: pronounced toor-dahn.
Noun: a specie of bananas native to Southeast Asia.
Other Tagalog: latundan, tundan.

Turil: pronounced too-ríl.
Noun: a pigpen.
Other Tagalog: kural.

Túrol: pronounced too-rohl.
Verb: root, to become upright; erect. Inf.: tumurol. Conj.: tumurol, became upright; tumuturol, becoming upright; tuturol, will become upright.
Adj.: upright, erect.
Other Tagalog: tindig.

Turukakak: pronounced too-roh-kah-kahk.
Noun: a large cicada.

Tusing: pronounced too-sing.
Verb: root, to feel cloyed about food. Inf.: matusing. Conj.: natusing, felt cloyed; natutusing, feeling cloyed; matutusing, will feel cloyed/
Other Tagalog: suyâ.

Tutoy: pronounced too-toi.
Noun: a general term used to address a small boy or young man.
Variant: utoy.
Other Tagalog: Totoy.