Ba-ak: pronounced bah-ahk.
Verb: to halve. Inf.: ba-akin. Conj.: bina-ak, halved; binaba-ak, halving; baba-akin, will halve.
1. half of something.
2. part of something.
3. the line where the hair is parted when groomed.
Other Tagalog: hatî.
Babag: pronounced bah-bahg.
Verb: root, to fight. Inf.: babagin. Conj.: binabag, fought; binababag, fighting; bababagin, will fight.
Other Tagalog: away.
Noun: a fight.
Babag: pronounced bah-bág
Noun: a fight; a melee.
Verb: root, to fight. Inf.: babagin. Conj.: babagin, to fight; binabag, fought; binababag, fighting; bababagin, will fight
Other Tagalog: away.
Babaysot: pronounced bah-bai-soht.
Noun: informal, a girl; particularly a young girl.
Other Tagalog: babae.
Bagkat: pronounced bahg-kaht.
1. a person who does not easily part with his money.
2. someone who is not generous.
Other Tagalog: kuripot.
* Slangy reference to a sticky caramel candy.
Bagting: pronounced bahg-ting.
Adj.: firmly stretched, taut.
Other Tagalog: banat.
Bagul: pronounced bah-gool
1. 5 centavos
2. in a general sense, a coin or a set of coins
* Now archaic and not used by the younger generation.
Bahite: pronounced ba-hi-teh.
1. broke.
2. a personal condition stating the lack of money or resources.
Other Tagalog: walang pera.
Bakay: pronoucned bah-kai.
Verb: to wait. Inf.: magbakay, bumakay, bakayan. Conj.: nagbakay, bumakay, binakayan: waited; nagbabakay, bumabakay, binabakayan: waiting; magbabakay, babakay, babakayan: will wait.
Other Tagalog: hintay.
Bakayan: pronounced bah-kah-yan.
Noun: a place where one can wait for something or somebody.
Bakin: pronounced bah-kihn.
Adv.: why.
Variants: baken, pronounced bah-ken; bakayn, pronounced bah-kine.
Other Tagalog: bakit.
Bakir: pronounced bah-kir.
Noun: a trough where grass or hay is placed for cows to feed upon.
Baklay: pronounced bahk-lai.
Noun: a card game usually played during wakes.
Verb: root, to play a card game in a wake. Inf.: magbaklay. Conj.: nagbaklay, played; nagbabaklay, playing; magbabaklay, will play.
Other Tagalog: saklâ.
Baktot: pronounced bahk-toht.
Verb: root, to carry, bring or tote. Inf.: baktutin. Conj.: binaktot, carried; binabaktot, carrying; babaktutin, will carry.
Bala-balâ: pronounced bah-lah-bah-lâ
1. not real
2. fake or make-believe.
3. describing the pretense to do something.
Other Tagalog: kunyarî, kunwarî.
Balagwit: pronounced bah-lahg-wit.
Verb: root, to carry things, such as a pail of water or bales of produce, at the the two ends of a pole, usually made of bamgoo. Inf.: balagwitin. Conj.: binalagwit, carried; binabalagwit, carrying; babalagwitin, will carry.
Noun: a pole, usually made of bamboo, from which pails, bales or other containers are balanced at the ends for carrying.
Balahaw: pronounced bah-lah-hao.
Verb: root, to get caught in a pothole. Inf: mabalahaw. Conj: nabalahaw, got caught in a pothole; nababalahaw, getting caught in a pothole; mababalahaw, will get caught in a pothole.
Bala-is: pronounced bah-lah-ihs.
1. restless.
2. in a state of worry; worried.
3. preoccupied.
Other Tagalog: balisâ (appears variant of).
Balakatak: pronounced bah-lah-kah-tahk.
Noun: a talkative person.
Adj.: describing a person who is always talking.
Other Tagalog: madaldal.
Bal-ang: pronounced bahl-ang.
Verb: root, to get caught in a pothole. Inf: mabal-ang. Conj: nabal-ang, got caught in a pothole; nababal-ang, getting caught in a pothole; mababal-ang, will get caught in a pothole.
Balatas: pronounced bah-lah-tahs.
Verb: root, to cross the road or street. Inf.: bumalatas. Conj.: bumalatas, crossed; bumabalatas, crosses or is crossing; babalatas, will cross.
Other Tagalog: tawid.
Balatong: pronounced bah-lah-tong.
Noun: a type of hard green bean that softens and expands when boiled in water.
Other Tagalog: munggo.
Balbal: pronounced bahl-bahl.
Adj.: broken into pieces.
Verb: to break into pieces. Inf.: mabalbal. Conj.: nabalbal; broke; nababalbal, breaking; mababalbal, will break.
Other Tagalog: durog.
Balhak: pronounced bahl-hahk.
Verb: root, to make uneven. Inf.: balhakin. Conj.: binalhak, made uneven; binabalhak, making uneven; babalhakin, will make uneven.
Adj.: balhakan, uneven.
Balibol: pronounced bah-lih-bohl.
Verb: root, to clean the ears using the feather of a chicken. Inf.: balubulin. Conj.: binalibol, cleaned the ears; binabalibol, cleaning the ears; babalibulin, will clean the ears.
Other Tagalog: linis ng tenga (approximate).
Baling: pronounced bah-ling.
Verb: root, to turn. Inf.: ibaling. Conj.: ibinaling, turned; ibinabaling, turns or is turning; ibabaling, will turn.
Variant: baleng.
Other Tagalog: likô.
Balinghoy: pronounced bah-ling-hoi.
Noun: cassava.
Other Tagalog: kamoteng-kahoy, kasaba.
Balirok: pronounced bah-lee-rok
Verb: root, to fall over. Inf.: bumalirok. Conj.: bumalirok/nabalirok, fellover; nababalirok/bumabalirok, falling over; babalirok, will fall over.
Other Tagalog: tumba.
Balisong: pronounced bah-li-song
Noun: a fan knife once widely-used in Batangas.
Other Tagalog: lanseta.
Baliw: pronounced báh-liw (accent is on bah).
1. has a tendency to be strict, as in baliw na gurô (strict teacher).
2. belligerent; has a tendency to be hostile.
Other Tagalog: strikto, palaaway.
Balukag: pronounced bah-loo-kahg.
Noun: goosebumps on the skin.
Balumbon: pronounced bah-loom-bohn.
Verb: root, to pile up in heap. Inf.: mabalumbon. Conj.: nabalumbon, piled up; nababalumbon, piling up; mababalumbon, will pile up.
Adj.: in a heap.
Other Tagalog: patong (approximate).
Balusbos: pronounced bah-loos-bohs.
Verb: root, to overflow. Inf.: bumalusbos. Conj.: bumalusbos, overflowed; bumabalusbos, overflows or is overflowing; babalusbos, will overflow.
Adj.: describing the state of something that is overflowing. Usage: balusbos na.
Other Tagalog: apaw.
Balyena: pronounced bahl-yeh-nah.
Noun: a type of candle that is alternatively used to wax the floor. Probably a reference to the whale oil from which the wax is derived.
Other Tagalog: kandila.
Banakal: pronounced bah-nah-kahl.
Noun: the thick white outer layer of the cassava root that is removed before the root is cooked, not to be mistaken with the dark brown outer skin of the root.
Banas: pronounced bah-nas.
Verb: root, to feel hot, as brought about by climatic heat. Inf.: banasin. Conj.: binanas, felt hot; binabanas, feeling hot; babanasin, will feel hot.
Adj: also, used to describe a hot day; e.g. mabanas na araw, a hot day.
Other Tagalog: init.
Bangas: pronounced bah-ngahs.
Verb: root.
1. to bruise. Inf.: bangasan. Conj.: binangasan, bruised; binabangasan, bruising; babangasan, will bruise.
2. to get a bruise or a scrape on the skin. Inf.: magkabangas. Conj.: nagkabangas, got a bruise; nagkakabangas, getting a bruise; magkakabangas, will get a bruise.
3. to defecate (slang). Inf.: bumangas. Conj.: bumangas, defecated; bumabangas, defecating; babangas, will defecate.
1. a bruise or scrape.
2. feces (slang).
Other Tagalog: galos, pasâ, tae.
Bang-aw: pronounced bang-ao.
1. a rabid dog.
2. a derogatory term to maliciously hint that a person is crazy.
Other Tagalog: asong ulol, sirâ-ulo.
Bang-bang: pronounced, bahng-bahng.
Noun: a channel dug for water to flow through; a canal.
Other Tagalog: kanal.
Bange: pronounced bah-ngeh.
Verb: root, to grill. Inf.: ibange. Conj.: ibinange, grilled; ibinabange, is being grilled; ibabange, will be grilled.
Adj: grilled.
Variant: bangi.
Other Tagalog: ihaw.
Bangengê: pronounced bah-ngeh-ngê.
Adj.: in a state of extreme drunkenness.
Other Tagalog: lasing.
Banggerahan: pronounced bang-geh-rah-han.
Noun: an old style kitchen sink made of bamboo.
Variant: banggirahan.
Other Tagalog: lababo (approximate).
Banghirô: pronounced bang-hih-rô.
Adj.: describing the state of somebody severely under the state of alcohol; extremely drunk. Usage: banghirô na.
Other Tagalog: lasing.
Bangibe: pronounced bah-ngi-beh.
1. describing a state of being extremely drunk. Usage: bangibe na, already drunk.
2. having a frown on one's face.
Variant: bangiwe.
Other Tagalog: lasing, nakasimangot.
Bangiwe: pronounced bah-ngih-weh.
Adj.: describing a state of being extremely drunk.
Variant: bangibe.
Other Tagalog: lasing.
Bangkas: pronounced bahng-kahs.
Noun: a father who is excessively strict in dealing with suitors of his daughters.
Adj.: describing a father who is excessively strict in dealing with suitors of his daughters.
Other Tagalog: matapang (approximate).
Bangkilot: pronounced bang-kih-loht.
Adj.: crooked; bent at the end.
Other Tagalog: baluktot.
Banglâ: pronounced bang-lâ.
Verb: root, to stare stupidly or aimlessly into space. Inf.: bumanglâ. Conj.: bumanglâ, stared; bumatanglâ, staring; batanglâ, will stare.
Variant: tanglâ.
Other Tagalog: tungangâ.
Bangyaw: pronounced bang-yao
Noun: a large fly.
Other Tagalog: bangaw.
Bánil: pronounced báh-nil.
1. pertaining to the tightening of the blood vessels in a person's neck in moments of anger or stress.
2. extremely angry or agitated.
3. characterizing the mark left on something by the application of force, as when the face has been slapped.
4. slang, pertaining to the turgity of a penis.
Other Tagalog: galit, gigil, bakat.
Noun: dirt or mark on one's body.
Other Tagalog: libag, bakat.
Banlat: pronounced bahn-laht.
Noun: a pigpen.
Other Tagalog: kural.
Banlî: pronounced bahn-lî.
Verb: root, to scald. Inf.: banlî-an. Conj.: binanlî-an, scalded; binabanlî-an, scalding: babanlî-an, will scald. Conj.: nabanlî-an, was scalded; nababanlî-an, is being scalded; mababanlî-an, will be scalded.
Other Tagalog: pasô (approximate).
Bantag: prounounced bahn-tahg.
Verb: to break or tear apart, as with a string. Inf.: mabantag. Conj.: nabantag, broke; nababantag, breaking; mababantag, will break.
Other Tagalog: putol, lagot.
Bantô: pronounced bahn-tô.
Verb: root,
1. to scald.
2. to dilute.
3. to douse a fire, such as in a bed of embers.
Inf.: bantô-an. Conj.: binantô-an, scalded; binabantô-an, scalding: babantô-an, will scald. Conj.: nabantô-an, was scalded; nababantô-an, is being scalded; mababantô-an, will be scalded.
1. hot water for scalding.
2. fluid used to dilute another substance.
3. water for putting out a fire.
Ba-oy: pronounced bah-oi.
Verb: root
1. to upbraid or reproach.
2. to make somebody feel guilty about something.
3. to get verbally get even.
Inf.: mangba-oy/mamba-oy.
Conj.: nangba-oy/namba-oy, upbraided; nangbaba-oy/nambaba-oy, upbraided; mangbaba-oy/mambaba-oy, will reproach.
Other Tagalog: sumbat.
Barik, Barek: pronounced bah-rihk, bah-rek.
Verb: root to drink something alcoholic, i.e. liquor. Inf.: bumarik. Conj.: bumarik, drank; bumabarik, drinking; babarik, will drink
Other Tagalog: inom.
Adj: barik/barék, drunk.
Other Tagalog: lasing.
Barino: pronounced bah-rih-noh.
Noun: a fit; a tantrum.
Other Tagalog: sumpong.
Bargas: pronounced bar-gas
Adj.: uncouth; crude; rough in behavior; rude.
Other Tagalog: Magaspang.
Baros: pronounced bah-rohs.
1. rude.
2. lacking in refinement as far as manners are concerned;
3. having uncouth behavior.
Other Tagalog: magaspang (figurative).
Barubal: pronounced bah-roo-bahl.
1. of poor quality; lackluster.
2. describing something done in haste.
Other Tagalog: binasta.
Barukbok: pronounced bah-rook-bok
Verb: root, to have sexual intercourse. Inf.: bumarukbok. Conj.: bumarukbok, had intercourse; bumabarukbok, having intercourse; babarukbok, will have intercourse.
Other Tagalog: hindot, kantot.
* Probably coined slang, not used formally.
Bayakid: pronounced bah-yah-kid.
Verb: root, to get tripped by something on the ground. Inf.: mabayakid. Conj.: nabayakid, tripped; nababayakid, tripping; mababayakid, will trip.
Other Tagalog: patid.
Baysan: pronounced bai-san.
Verb: root, to attend a wedding. Inf.: mangbaysan/mambaysan. Conj.: nangbaysan/namaysan, attended a wedding; nambabaysan/namamaysan, attending a wedding; mambabaysan/mamamaysan, will attend a wedding.
Noun: an in-law.
Baysanan: pronounced bai-sah-nan.
Noun: wedding.
Other Tagalog: kasal.
Bayu-ot: pronounced bah-yoo-oht.
Verb: root, to crumple. Inf.: bayu-utin. Conj.: binayu-ot, crumpled; binabayu-ot, crumpling; babayu-utin, will crumple.
Adj.: crumpled.
Other Tagalog: gusot.
Bibinga: pronounced bih-bih-ngah
Noun.: a ceramic shard, often used as money in children’s games.
Bigtal: pronounced big-tahl.
Verb: root, to break, as with a string or lace. Inf.: mabigtal. Conj.: nabigtal, broke, nabibigtal, breaking; mabibigtal, will break.
Variant: pigtal.
Other Tagalog: putol.
Bidá: pronounced bih-dah.
Verb: root, to tell; to relate. Inf.: ibida. Conj.: ibinida, related; ibinibida, relates; ibibida, will relate.
Other Tagalog: kuwento.
Bidong: pronounced bih-dong.
Noun: a young goat or cow.
Other Tagalog: bisiro.
Bikakâ: pronounced bi-ka-kâ
Verb: root, to spread one's legs apart. Inf.: bumikakâ. Conj.: bumikakâ, spread legs; bumibikakâ, spreading legs; bibikakâ, will spread legs.
Adv: with legs spread apart, variant of bukakâ.
Other Tagalog: bukakâ
Variants: bikangkang, bukangkang
Bikangkang: pronounced bi-kang-kang
Verb: root, to spread one's legs apart. Inf.: bumikangkang. Conj.: bumikangkang, spread legs; bumibikangkang, spreading legs; bibikangkang, will spread legs.
Adj: with legs spread apart.
Other Tagalog: bukakâ.
Variants: bikakâ, bukangkang.
Bikil: pronounced bee-kihl.
Adj.: describing the cramping or hardening of a muscle after a blow.
Other Tagalog: nanigas.
Bila-ok: pronounced bee-lah-ok.
Verb: root, to choke. Inf.: mabilaok. Conj.: nabila-ukan, choked; nabibila-ukan, choking; mabibila-ukan, will choke.
Other Tagalog: samid (approximate).
Biling: pronounced bí-ling.
1. describing a person who is feeling lost or disoriented.
2. in a manner of speaking, dizzy.
Other Tagalog: litó.
Bilot: pronounced bilót
Noun: A small dog; puppy.
Other Tagalog: Tutâ.
Bimpo: pronounced bihm-poh.
Noun: a small towel; a face towel.
Bingaw: pronounced bih-ngao.
Adj.: cracked.
Bintog: pronounced bihn-tohg.
Verb: root, to become bloated or fat. Inf.: bumintog. Conj.: bumintog, became bloated; bumibintog, becoming bloated; bibintog, will become bloated.
Adj.: mabintog, bloated or fat.
Other Tagalog: lobo, tabâ.
Birindi: pronounced bih-rihn-dih.
Adj.: deafened by continuous noise, such as incessant chatter.
Variant: biribindi.
Other Tagalog: rindi, bingi.
Bisaklat: pronounced bih-sahk-laht.
Verb: root, to shatter. Inf.: mabisaklat. Conj.: nabisaklat, shattered; nabibisaklat, shattering; mabibisaklat, will shatter.
Other Tagalog: durog, wasak.
Biste: pronounced bihs-teh.
Adj.: extremely well-dressed.
Other Tagalog: pustura.
Bital-ak: pronounced bih-tahl-ahk.
Verb: root
1. to get something stuck in the throat, usually a fishbone.
2. to choke.
Adj.: nabital-akan, describing a person having something stuck in the throat.
Variant: bital-ok.
Other Tagalog: samid, tinik (approximate).
Biyabit: pronounced bih-yah-biht.
Verb: root, to take along. Inf.: biyabitin. Conj.: biniyabit, took along; binibiyabit, taking along; bibiyabitin, will take along.
Other Tagalog: isama.
Biyu-ot pronounced bee-yoo-oht.
Verb: to fit inside cramped space. Inf.: ibiyu-ot. Conj.: ibiniyu-ot, fit inside; ibinibiyu-ot, fitting inside; ibibiyu-ot, will fit inside.
Other Tagalog: siksik.
Bolex: pronounced bohl-ex.
Noun: in males, hair that grows from the pubic area to the belly button.
* Slang; most definitely used informally as shortened version of the Tagalog-English phrase bulbol extension, i.e. pubic hair extension.
Bu-alaw: pronounced boo-ah-lao.
Noun: a snack made of corn kernels stripped from the cobs and boiled in water, then flavored with sugar and scraped coconut meat.
Other Tagalog: binatog.
* Seemed more commonly used in Western Batangas.
Bu-aw: pronounced boo-ao.
Adj.: describing the sound made when tapping or rapping on something hollow. Usage: bu-aw na tunog, hollow sound.
Bubô pronounced boo-bô.
Verb: root, to get spilled, in reference to liquid. Inf.: mabubô. Conj.: nabubô, got spilled; nabububô, is getting spilled; mabububô, will get spilled.
Other Tagalog: tapon (approximate).
Bug-al: pronounced boog-ahl.
1. large chunks.
2. broken soil, usually stone-hard, found on farm lands.
Verb: root
1. to burst unevenly from a source, as with paint from a spray-head.
2. to vomit in uneven spasms.
Inf.: bumug-al. Conj.: bumug-al, burst unevenly; bumubug-al, bursting unevenly; bubug-al, will burst unevenly.
Buglaw: pronounced boog-lao.
Noun: a specie of fish called the yellow-tail fusilier.
Other Tagalog: dalagang-bukid.
Bugnot: pronounced boog-noht.
Noun: the state of a person losing his or her temper.
Verb: root, to lose one's temper. Inf.: mabugnot. Conj.: nabugnot, lost temper; nabubugnot, losing temper; mabubugnot, will lose temper.
Adj.: describing a person who has lost his or her temper. Usage: bugnot na.
Other Tagalog: pikon.
Bug-ong: pronounced boog-ohng.
Verb: root, to wrap rice in banana leaf. Inf.: ibug-ong. Conj.: binug-ong, wrapped rice; binubug-ong, wrapping rice; binubug-ong, will wrap rice.
Noun: rice wrapped in banana leaf.
* Seems more commonly used in Western Batangas.
Bukangkang: pronounced boo-kang-kang.
Verb: root, to spread one's legs apart. Inf.: bumukangkang. Conj.: bumukangkang, spread legs; bumubukangkang, spreading legs; bubukangkang, will spread legs.
Adj: with legs spread apart.
Other Tagalog: bukakâ
Variants: bikakâ, bikangkang
Buladas: pronounced boo-lah-das.
Noun: banter; the playful and friendly exchange of teasing remarks; repartée. Used informally.
Other Tagalog: kulitan; tuksuhan (approximate).
Bulador: pronounced boo-lah-dor.
Noun: kite.
Other Tagalog: saranggola.
Bulak: pronounced boo-lahk.
Verb: root, to boil. Inf.: bumulak. Conj.: bumulak, boiled; bumubulak, boiling; bubulak, will boil.
Variant: sulak.
Other Tagalog: kulô.
Bulaw: pronounced boo-lao
Noun: a young pig; piglet.
Other Tagalog: biik.
* Apparently used in northern localities close to the municipality of Sto. Tomas.
Bulong: pronounced boo-long.
Verb: root, to visit the abode of one's fiancée with one's parents and other relatives to ask for the permission to marry the fiancée. Inf.: mamulong. Conj.: namulong, visited; namumulong, is visiting; mamumulong, will visit.
Noun: pamumulong.
Other Tagalog: panhik, pamamanhik.
Búlos: pronounced boo-los.
Verb: root
1. to help oneself to more food.
2. to return to the dinner table.
Inf.: bumulos. Conj.: bumulos, got more food; bumubulos, getting more food; bubulos, will get more food.
Other Tagalog: balik.
Bulwang: pronounced bool-wang.
Adj.: describing the state of something that has been stretched open or loose, as with the walls of a vagina.
Bundat: pronounced boon-dot.
Adj.: with the belly protruding.
Bu-og: pronounced boo-og
Verb: root, to take a nap. Inf.: bumu-og. Conj.: bumu-og, slept; bumubu-og, sleeping; bubu-og, will sleep.
Other Tagalog: matulog.
Bura-ot: pronounced boo-rah-oht.
Verb: root, to be stunted in growth. Inf.: mabura-ot. Conj.: nabura-ot, was stunted; nabubura-ot, is being stunted; mabubura-ot, will be stunted.
Adj.: of stunted growth; small.
Other Tagalog: bansot, maliit (approximate).
Burikak: pronounced boo-rih-kahk.
Noun: archaic.
1. a prostitute.
2. a woman who acts in a cheap manner.
Other Tagalog: puta.
Burnik: pronounced boor-nik.
Noun: hair that surrounds the anus.
Burok: pronounced boo-rohk.
Adj.: a bit on the fat side; chubby.
Burubos: pronounced boo-roo-bohs.
Verb: root, to burst and scatter around a place. Inf: bumurubos. Conj.: bumurubos, burst; bumuburubos, bursting; buburubos, will burst.
Adj.: describing the state of something that burst and scattered.
Busangol: pronounced boo-sah-ngol.
Noun: a frown on one's face.
Variant: busangot.
Other Tagalog: simangot.
Busangot: pronounced boo-sah-ngot.
Noun: a frown on one's face.
Variant: busangol.
Other Tagalog: simangot.
Busarga: pronounced boo-sar-gah.
Verb: root
1. to make swollen.
2. to open agape.
Inf.: busargahin. Conj.: binusarga, made swollen; binubusarga, making swollen; bubusargahin, will make swollen.
1. swollen. Usage: busargang labi, swollen lips
2. agape. Usage, busarga ang ilong, agape nostrils
Other Tagalog: pagâ, nakanganga.
Busiksik pronounced boo-sik-sik.
Adj.: small and chubby or stocky.
Variant: busig-ik.
Other Tagalog: punggok (approximate).
Busilik: pronounced boo-sih-lik.
Noun: the eyes.
Variant: busilig.
Other Tagalog: mga (plural) mata.
Busisî: pronounced boo-see-sî.
Verb: root
1. to go into the details of something.
2. to try to learn more about.
Inf.: busisiin. Conj.: binusisi, tried to learn more; binubusisi, trying to learn more about; bubusisiin, will try to learn more about.
3. to play with one's penis; as distinct from the word "to masturbate," this was used in reference to prepubescent boys playing with their penes to pass the time.
Conj.: nagbusisi, played; nagbubusisi, playing; magbubusisi, will play.
Buwik: pronounced boo-wík.
Noun: a young pig; piglet.
Other Tagalog: biik.
Buyon: pronounced boo-yon.
Noun: a protruding belly.
Other Tagalog: tiyan.